Clergy and Associate Staff


Eric has been St. Mary's vicar since 2016 when he and his wife moved down to Oxford from t’ North. He’s a Man City fan but let’s not hold that against him.



Assistant Minister Will recently retired from his diocesan job as Director of New Congregations. He loves St Mary’s and heads up the Pastoral Team, as well as help out on Sundays when needed.


Sam has been our Curate since July 2023 he is now on secondment to St Nicholas, Old Marston. He will return to St Mary’s later in the year.



Assistant Minister David was a youth worker and then a vicar in Northamptonshire and London for nearly 40 years until his retirement in 2019. He is helping to lead forward plans for St Mary’s buildings as well as helping out on Sundays.


Church Manager (part time): Bev has been a member of St Mary's since 2022 and on the PCC. She has joined the team for a few hours a week to help with HR, policy and communications in the church, and with the wider community.


Standing Committee

Standing Committee includes Churchwardens, PCC Secretary and Treasurer and of course the Vicar

We currently do not have any churchwardens and the Standing Committee is taking on this function for the time being

They include Wendy Jones our church secretary and Trevor Jones our church treasurer

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

The PCC has responsibility for the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults and has appointed Zoe Aylett as Parish Safeguarging officer working alongside Revd Eric Bossward and Wendy Jones



Hi! I’m Zoe, I’m 28, Scottish, a midwife and I love St Mary’s church! I am part of the safeguarding team with Rev Eric Bossward and Wendy Jones.  

Wendy Web.jpg


Wendy is a longstanding member of St Mary's and married to Trevor. She serves the church as the PCC Secretary.



Trevor has served in a number of roles for the church over the years as a PCC member and church warden. He is currently the PCC Treasurer.

At St Mary's everybody who comes through the door can expect a warm welcome. You will find a group of people of different ages and from different backgrounds brought together by a desire to grow in faith, no matter where they are on that journey.

Every week during the middle of the service there are activities for children and during school term-time there is also a youth group for secondary school students.

We start at about 10am and end at about 11:15. We'll sing worship songs and pray together. We will hear Bible readings and a talk about those readings.

Each week we celebrate Holy Communion, a practice Christians have done for two thousand years. All who have faith in Jesus are invited to come to the front to receive bread and wine, by which we remember what Jesus did for us in dying on the cross. If that's not for you, you are welcome to come to the front in order to receive a prayer of blessing or just sit and watch.

We would love you to join us sometime!

For us, it’s all about Jesus…

Jesus shows us what God is like, he came on a rescue mission from the heart of God to save us and to show us what life in all fullness looks like.

We believe God loves Barton, Sandhills and Barton Park and we want to share that love with our community.